You may ask yourself, how could the Golden Rule apply to moving?
As always in life, the Golden Rule can apply to just about everything. From making friends to relationships, it’s important to remember it above all else.
Here’s how…
Every time you move you want everyone to help. But stop and think…
Did you help them move?
Moving takes time and effort. But it’s a task we never want to do. So how can you expect others to help if you haven’t helped them?
It’s a simple equation. The more you help others move, the more others will help you move. People like to give back. It’s our innate sense of reciprocity. And if you know someone who’ll be moving, offer to help. Don’t wait for them to ask you. Because, the more people you’re willing to help, the more people will be willing to help you.
So cover your tracks, and obey this golden rule. Remember, it pays to pay.
The Golden Rule
Do unto others as you would do unto them.
If it’s too late have your friends help you move, call our moving company. We are the best West Palm Beach movers, and pride ourselves on having the most competitive of prices. We won’t let you down.